Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ten Months

Dear Jonah,

You are ten months old now, and I cannot believe how much fun you are! I also cannot believe how the time has flown. You are crawling now, and cruising, too. You looooove to pull yourself up on whatever's around. I won't be surprised if you're walking before your first birthday, but we'll just have to see about that!

You have started babbling - you take after me and talk all day long. It's been so fun to see how the noises have changed, and you seem to find a new one every few days. Currently, you say "da-da-da-da-da-da-da" and "dih-dih-dey-die-da" a lot, and also a new "motorboat" noise. You love to shriek, and you've started doing stuff with your tongue in the last couple of days - finally! We've been trying to get you to do stick your tongue out since you were about 10 minutes old (literally!), but you never have until now. And if we stick our tongues out at you, you laugh and try to grab them.

You have 4 teeth now... sort of. The bottom 2 came in about 3 months ago, but the top 2 just broke through late last week and are still easy to miss. You are eating all sorts of food -- I can't keep track -- but you are only just barely starting to show any interest in feeding yourself. This, while perplexing, is okay with us, because it means that you also don't show much interest in eating bits of things from the floor!

You are getting very social now, as long as people don't try to hold you. But if you're in mine or Daddy's arms -- or on the floor playing, or in the stroller -- you will flirt and smile and shriek at anyone who looks your way! It's lots of fun to watch you show interest in other people. You love Daddy's parents -- especially Grandpa, who makes funny faces at you -- and you always smile at Mommy's parents when they talk to you on the phone. You'll get to see them next week -- Uncle Matt, too -- and I can't wait to see how you interact with them.

The cats (Samantha mainly) are still great toys in your book, and they have been really great with your mauling and grabbing at them. Samantha even comes to see you, and will rub and love on you and plop down near you. Savannah still keeps her distance most of the time, but that's because she never knows when you will let fly an ear-piercing shriek.

We've started bathing you in the big bathtub, and you love it. You love to splash the water and crawl around in the tub, and you try to get the little bubbles in your pincer grip. You don't succeed, but that's okay because there's always more splashing to do!

You like to slap things -- you wave your hands up and down like crazy, and like the sounds they make when they hit things. This isn't a violent thing, it's something you do when you're excited. We think it's pretty funny, and call you Slappy, except when you hit our faces. That's not as funny because your little hands can hurt a bit!

Sleep is still a challenge, but it is getting better. You sleep in your crib now, for both nighttime and naps, and a couple of weeks ago you slept from 9pm-4am -- a miracle! Of course, you haven't come close to repeating it, but hey - we'll take it. Sleeping in your crib was a big victory for us, and now you pretty much only sleep there when you're home. We still have to rock you and/or pat you to sleep, and creep out very quietly, but I know that this will change eventually, too.

Jonah, you have brought so much laughter to our lives! You are constantly changing and learning new things, and it is so much fun to watch you and play with you. I am so glad you're ours!

Love, Momma

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