Thursday, October 18, 2007

Two Months

Dear Jonah,

A few days ago you turned two months old, and the last month has been lots of fun! You're awake a lot more now than you used to be, and you turn your head to look at the world. You started smiling at us, and then smiling and wriggling, which is so cute I could just eat you up. You definitely know Mommy and Daddy, and you're juuuust starting to notice the cats. Savannah likes to snuggle with you when you're on Daddy's lap, and occasionally gives you little licks -- you obviously need mothering like the other humans she lives with!

You're finally able to tolerate spending some time not being held, which is really nice. Now that you're interested in the world around you, I can put you down on your back and you'll be happy for a few minutes, looking around. The cats are less than pleased with this development, however; I think they see the floor as their territory, and Samantha especially is a little worried that the interloper is taking over even more of her home!

I noticed a couple of weeks ago that both the sleep issue and the breastfeeding issue smoothed out at some point; your Dad and I are both a lot less tired than we were. We've adjusted to the amount of sleep we're getting, which is good since we're all back at work. For now, you sleep out on the couch on my chest, and Daddy sleeps in our bed. You fussed all night when we put you in your bassinet, so we decided to go with what gets us the most sleep. I know you would sleep better alone if we put you on your tummy, but I just can't do that. Pretty soon, however, we're going to start teaching you how to sleep on your back in the bassinet, because we can't sleep out on the couch forever -- I miss my bed!

When we're out in public, you are a great baby -- you hang out in the wrap, mostly sleeping, and everyone comments about how cute and how good you are. I'm glad that you're good when we're out, but I bet they'd have other comments if they heard you screaming when you're at home with us! You're not an "easy" baby, but you also don't scream for hours on end, so there's that. I just wish we knew what it was that you're screaming about, so we can fix it!

You come to work with me, which is fun and draining all at once. You hang out in the wrap most of the day, and you're very good and mostly quiet. I'm so grateful that my work lets us do this, because I would hate to have to leave you every day when you're so little!

On that note: you are a BIG boy! At your two-month checkup, you weighed in at 12lbs 10oz, which is bigger than I estimated! When you were born, you were in the 25th percentile; now you're in the 75th. You've chubbed up, my little tank!

You also started liking your swing this month, which is really nice for me in the mornings. You only like it for a short time, but it lets me get a shower most days without interruption. Getting out the door in the morning is still a major challenge, but it must be done, so we muddle on through!

We've given you a few bottles this month, and I am SO GLAD that you don't object. In fact, you don't seem to care at all about the delivery system, as long as food is delivered on time. This is really great, because it means that I can get a break every now and then! We're planning a couple-hours' escape for our anniversary soon, made possible by the pump and the bottle.

We can't wait to hear you laugh -- should be any day now! We'll get out some toys soon, too, and that will be lots of fun. You are such a blessing in our lives, and it's fascinating to watch you grow!

Love, Momma

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