Sunday, November 11, 2007


Jonah discovered his hands on Tuesday. Specifically, he discovered that he can get them into his mouth on purpose, and that they taste good. Well, I'm assuming he thinks they taste good, because he keeps trying to eat them!

We can tell when he's jettisoned the pacifier in favor of his hands, because he makes a lot of sucking and slurping noises that we don't hear with the pacifier. He seems pretty pleased with himself, and we are too -- self-soothing is a good thing to learn!

He seems to favor his left hand so far, but we can't decide what this says about his handedness: is he going to be left-handed (like Mommy) because he likes to eat his left hand? Or is he going to be right-handed (like Daddy) because he likes to eat his left hand, leaving his right hand free for other things?

Regardless, it's fun to watch him learn new things.

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