Tuesday, December 11, 2007

4 months

Dear Jonah,

You turned 4 months old yesterday -- I can hardly believe you're that old already! I missed your 3-month update, so there are lots of things you can do now that you couldn't then. You've become very social in the last week or two, smiling easily at people, cats, and one of the walls at my office (weird kid). We've finally gotten some laughs out of you, baby belly laughs, because you like being tickled. You don't always laugh when we tickle you, though, so when you do it's a real treat for us.

You love to sit up now, in your chair or propped in the corner of the couch, or on our laps -- you can play for 45 minutes that way, which is a long time for such a little guy! If I sit you on the floor and let you go, you can sit at a 45-degree angle for a few seconds, supported by your arms, before you fold forward. And you're finally not hating your car seat, thank goodness -- you're usually pretty pleasant in the car, especially if I give you a toy to explore. We're acquiring more toys for you: linking rings, rattles, stuffed animals with rattly and/or crinkly bits. You like to play with them and examine them, and just today you started sticking one in your mouth. That was fun to watch! You still prefer to chew on your hands, though. :)

I can't believe I thought you talkative before, because you "speak" in paragraphs now! You're discovering different volumes, and you have so many more "words" than a month ago. You started blowing raspberries a couple of weeks ago, which is a very drooly thing. You are so pleased with that noise! You like to sit or stand and talk to Daddy or me, sometimes just quiet "goo"s and sometimes loud, happy shrieks. You also like to shout when you eat: I'll be nursing you, you'll latch off and look at me until I look at you, you'll smile at me and shout as you head back for more food. It's terribly cute, and I think you think it's our little game. You still like to eat plenty -- you weighed 15lbs. 3oz. at your checkup last week, and you're 26 inches long! I'm glad that you like to play by yourself sometimes, because my back can use every break I can get.

You're taking some serious notice of the cats -- you find them very interesting, and will watch them walk across the back of the couch, or around your playmat. You're working on rolling over, so your doctor said that we can put you down to sleep on your tummy -- hallelujah! You've never slept well on your back, so you and I had been sleeping on the sofa. Now, you and I are in the big bed (you on your belly) and Daddy's on the couch, but that's just until we transition you to your crib. So there's a light at the end of the tunnel, sleep-wise, and I'm glad.

This weekend you'll get to meet lots of my family, and I cannot wait. You are so, so cute and charming right now, everyone will love you. Well, they'd love you anyway, but I'm awfully glad that your great-grandparents will get to see you smile and (hopefully) laugh. Daddy and I are a little anxious about the plane ride (luckily only 2 hours) and the 3-hour drive up to Nana & Papa's, but it will be worth it to have the whole family together for Christmas. Nana can't wait to meet you and your second cousin -- her other great-grandbaby -- and I know you'll charm her socks off. Grammy can hardly wait to get her hands on you again, too, and there are lots of other people who love you even though they haven't met you -- we are so blessed.

Merry Christmas, Baby! Someday you'll know the significance of this holiday, but for now I appreciate and understand Advent more than I ever did before I had you.


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