Monday, January 21, 2008

Five months

Dear Jonah,

Last week you turned 5 months old, and what a month it's been! You learned how to roll over and sit up, you had your first plane rides, extended car rides, and your first Christmas, and you met pretty much all of your extended family (you charmed the heck out of all of them, of course!).

Christmas was crazy this year, crazier than usual. You were being a pill the day we were flying down to California, so much so that we actually missed our flight. We had all our luggage with us, because we were going to gate-check it since we were so late. We only missed the flight by minutes, but miss it we did. We got on standby for a couple of other flights, and almost got on the 2nd one -- we were actually on the plane, but the gate agents had given away the other standby seats before they knew that one of our seats was taken. We had gate-checked our bags and your carseat/stroller, and one of the agents ran down as we were getting off the plane to get your carseat so we could go home. She didn't know that we also had bags, though, so those went to San Jose on that Friday night.

We got tickets to San Francisco for 6:15 the next morning (UGH), so we went home and came back. That went off without a hitch -- you were great on the plane and Grammy & Grampa picked us up in San Francisco. Unfortunately, when Daddy and Grampa went to the San Jose airport to pick up our bags, only 2 of the 3 were there. The bag with all of your clothes and some of my clothes was gone, and it still hasn't turned up! I'm sad about a couple of things in that bag (your herringbone sleeper and the monkey blanket, especially), but Grammy had a good time shopping for more clothes for you. The airline will reimburse us for the lost items, so it will all work out in the end.

That morning, we had lunch with Grampa's side of the family -- you got to meet your Great-Grandma Sue, 2 great-aunts, 1 great-uncle, and 2 first-cousins-once-removed. That was lots of fun! You were pretty well-behaved, and you let everyone hold you for a little while. They loved that, of course! You showed off your motorboat mouth, too, which made us all laugh.

After that, we packed up and drove up to GG & TJ's house, 3 hours away -- the longest car ride you've had! You were great, and fell asleep almost immediately, giving me & Grammy some time to talk (Daddy and Grampa were in the other car, since there was so much stuff!). When we got there, you got to meet your other Great-Grandmother (GG -- my Nana) and your Great-Grandpa (TJ -- my Papa), and even though you were tired, you put on such a performance! Nana was so thrilled to finally meet her first great-grandchild, and you were just smiley and raspberry-y and talkative for her. I couldn't have asked you to be better.

Everyone else got there the next day -- my Aunt & Uncle, cousins, and another baby, your 2nd cousin Lucy! You weren't all that interested in her, but you thought her daddy, Phillip, was pretty funny (we all think so, too -- must be the accent). We had a great time with everyone, even though you were a little overwhelmed with all the people. It put you into a bit of a "Mommy" phase, so you would be charming to anyone as long as I was holding you. A little annoying, but understandable in the circumstances.

You were great on the flight home -- slept the whole way, and then was charming to everyone around us. A few days after we got home, you learned to roll over! We put you down to sleep on your tummy, and I woke in the middle of the night to find you on your back! I think we were both a little surprised. Since then, you've done it a bunch more, but you haven't mastered it yet.

You've also been learning how to sit up! We've been propping you in the corner of the couch for a while, but now you don't really need to be propped. You can sit and play with toys for a few minutes before you either topple or fold, and you get better at it every day! It's lots of fun to watch you learn new things.

You are just so thoroughly, insanely cute that we can hardly believe it. I never knew I could love someone as much, and it gets more and more fun as you develop into more and more of your own person. I can't wait to see what you do next!


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